Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
Impress in turn, especially when get to the semi-finals and participate crowdfunding challenge at Startup Wheel 2021, Bidding ecosystem has become more known as well as appreciated by the judges and the participating teams. If only enterprises participating in the bidding are counted (registering contractors on the National Procurement Network), Ecosystem Bidding has captured more than 23% market share, with more than 50,000 active permanent accounts and more than 28,000 contractors using the system out of a total of more than 120,000 contractors across the country. p>
Bidding Ecosystem is built with the goal of comprehensive support for businesses in Vietnam in the field of bidding, auction, connecting public and private procurement transactions. This is a system where both technology and data will follow the trend the world is taking. This will help the software of Bidding Ecosystem to easily integrate, connection and expansion in the future, as well as ensuring the highest transparency, economic efficiency and safety for the parties involved.
Bidding Ecosystem honored and proud to be accompanied during the past 5 months with Startup Wheel 2021. In the next stages, Dueling Ecosystem Bidding and other projects to pass challenge challenges, first part 2: Trading platform and startup investment (accounting for 70% of the total semi-final score).
Selection activities Top 60 Vietnamese Pounds and Top 50 International Pounds is happening entirely online, but not because but less dramatic and inherent attractiveness of Startup Wheel for 9 years. Despite the complicated Covid situation in the world, this year's International Table welcomes startups from 23 countries on 5 continents to attend.
Startup Wheel Startup Contest 2021 took place in the most difficult context of the Covid19 pandemic. However, the organizers as well as the startup Bidding ecosystem believe that businesses will always be strong to fight in the "Pandemic" as well as successfully complete the next journey of the Contest and always be ready to actively "recover" as soon as the pandemic occurs. Covid passed.
Startup Bidding Ecosystem include: DauThau.Net (The first private auction network in Vietnam), DauThau.info (Bid Information Analysis Software), DauGia.Net (Software) auction property) by Vietnam Open Source Development Joint Stock Company (VINADES) germinate and develop. As The first comprehensive bidding project in Vietnam, Bidding Ecosystem is expected to be the solution to help solve all problems in bidding of enterprises.
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Author: Linh Hồ Thị
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