Instruct private contractors to submit bids

Saturday, 11 November 2023 10:02 AM
The following article will guide you to submit online bids for bidding packages implemented on the private bidding network DauThau.Net.
Instruct private contractors to submit bids

Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt

Immediately after the Bid Invitation Notice is publicly posted on the system by the Procuring Entity, in order to participate in the bidding, contractors need to submit their bid documents. The steps are as follows:

Sign in

Picture 1 Login to the system
Picture 1 - Login to the system

If you don't have an account, you can register by post Instructions for registering an account

Search for bidding packages to submit bids

To find the bidding package you want to submit, do the following:

Step 1: Access Main menu > Bidding > Tender notice > Find the bidding package you are interested in
tender notice
Picture 2 - Find bidding packages to submit bids
Step 2: After selecting the bidding package you want to submit bids > press the function button Submit bid
Picture 3 Bid submission
Picture 3 - Bid submission

Step 3: Declare bidding information > press function button Add Bidding Documents

Picture 4 Declaration of bid documents
Picture 4 - Declaration of bid documents

Bid declaration information includes:

Information field


Recommended price

This is the bid price for the package

Execution time

Time to implement the bidding package, there are 3 available options: Day; Month; Year

Attached files

Contractors can upload bidding documents here, supported formats include: Image, Zip, Rar, PDF, Doc, Docx, XLS, XLSX, ppt, pptx... and other OpenDocument document formats .

Bid guarantee letter

In case the bidding documents require a letter of guarantee for bidding, you need to download the letter of guarantee file here. Supported file formats include: Image, Zip, Rar, PDF, Doc, Docx, XLS, XLSX, ppt, pptx... and other OpenDocument text formats.

View bid submission history and related operations

The system allows to review the bid submission history for the account in use, the steps are as follows:
At Main menu > select Contractors > select Track bidding information > select follow Tender notice The system will then display bidding packages for which the account has submitted bids.

Tracking submitted bids
Picture 5 - Tracking submitted bids

The operations that can be performed are as follows:

  1. View bid submission history: allows you to review the history of bid submissions for this package

  2. Updated tracking feature, this feature allows editing to change email recipients as well as permissions to submit bids

  3. Unfollow: This feature allows you to unfollow this bidding package

  4. View changes: This feature allows you to review the history of changes related to this bidding package.

Modify the submitted bid or Cancel the bid submission

To cancel a submitted bid, do the following:

At the information tracking table of bidding packages > Select tool Bid submission history > Here we can use 1 of 3 function buttons:

- Modify bid: Proceed to edit submitted bid documents

- Cancel bid submission: Proceed to cancel the submitted bid documents

Note: Only valid bids will display that function. Valid bids are the ones displayed in the first order (with the letter i).

- View details: You will be able to view details of each submitted bid

Picture 6 Edit or cancel submitted bids
Picture 6 - Edit or cancel submitted bids

Above is an article on instructions for submitting bids on the Private Bidding NetworkDauThau.Net. DauThau.Net currently has a free policy and maximum support for businesses to invite bids, shop and search for available suppliers on the system, please hurry up. sign up and proceed profile authentication.

If you need further support, please contact our experts for advice via:

 Tags: contractors
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