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Saturday, 21 October 2023 9:36 AM
Is your business having difficulty upgrading software packages? Businesses don't know how to solve this problem? Don't worry, the following article of DauThau.Net will guide you in detail on how to upgrade the software package? Let's follow along to learn how to upgrade the software package.
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To perform the software package upgrade process on DauThau.Net, contractors perform the following steps:
Step 1: Log in to your account into the DauThau.Net system
Picture 1. Login to your account into the DauThau.Net system
Step 2: Access the Member menu => Select Manage profile/export.
Picture 2. Access the Business Profile Management menu on DauThau.Net
Step 3: When accessing Manage profile/export, you will see the profile that you manage and the service packages that the business has registered appear. To upgrade the service package, users just need to select the service package they are using.
Picture 3. Business profile information
Step 4: After clicking on the service package, the screen will move to the next page which is the page for managing the business's existing service packages. To upgrade, just select Action => Select Update.
Picture 4. Select the Upgrade task to upgrade the service package for your business
Step 5: When selecting the Update task, the payment page will appear. In this step, users only need to have the service package they want to upgrade => Select Submit information.
Picture 5. Service package payment page when upgrading
Step 6: After completing the above steps, the user transfers the amount of service package to be upgraded => Report to the consultant to confirm and activate the service package.
Above are the steps to upgrade the service package on DauThau.Net that we want to share with your businesses. While using the software, if you have any questions or need support, please contact DauThau.Net immediately via hotline 0904.634.288 consultants provide quick and timely support.