Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
In case you already have an account on dauthau.info, you just need to use that to log in, the steps are very simple.
Step 1: Access to DauThau.Net -> SelectLogin Icon located in the top right corner of the website.
Step 3: After filling in your account information and password, select it reCAPTCHA to confirm then press the button Log in
In case you have not registered an account on DauThau.Net, the system allows you to easily log in via your Facebook social network account or Google account. To log in, you can click on the link https://dauthau.net/vi/users/login/ or do the following steps:
Step 1: Access the pageDauThau.Net -> Select Login Icon located in the top right corner of the website.
Step 2: After selectingIcon profile The screen will appear the interface as shown below, you proceedLogin with Facebook or Sign in with Google.
In steps 1 and 2, you do the same as logging in if you already have an account on dauthau.info.
If selected Login with Facebook The screen will appear as shown below, you just need to selectContinueYou can now log into DauThau.Net's system using your personal Facebook account.
If selected Sign in with Google you just need to choose the accountEmail login that you can log into DauThau.Net's system with your own Google account.
***Note: In case you already have the above account DauThau.INFO You can absolutely use it above DauThau.Net
If you do not have a registered account on the DauThau.Net system, you can follow the registration steps and can access the link directly. https://dauthau.net/vi/users/login/ and perform the following steps:
Information field |
Describe |
Surname and middle name |
Enter the account registrant's first and last name |
Name |
Enter the name of the registrant |
user name |
Is the name you want to display when logging in |
Declaring email is required so that the system will send the email you declare to complete account authentication |
Password |
You create your own password |
Reset password |
You re-enter the password you just declared |
Sex |
Select according to your gender |
Phone number |
You need to declare the phone number you are using |
Corporate tax code |
Step 2: After completing the information declared in the registration form, click to select the boxI agree to the Membership Registration Regulations-> SelectI'm not a robot for the system to check -> Press the button Sign up.
Step 3: Access the registered email then click on the link to authenticate and complete the above account registration procedure DauThau.Net.
Above is an article on how to create an account on Vietnam's first private bidding network. Hopefully, the number of over 40,000 user accounts using our system will bring practical benefits to businesses. you when participating in the private bidding system.
If you need further support, please contact our experts for advice via:
Author: Nguyen Bich Thuy
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