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Friday, 04 October 2024 9:34 AM
DauThau.Net has recently added a new feature that allows users to view the history of enterprise information changes. This feature helps you quickly and accurately view the changes made to enterprise information.
Benefits of the feature to view the history of enterprise information changes
The newly added feature on DauThau.Net to view the history of enterprise information changes offers users the following benefits:
Track changes in competitor enterprise information. By viewing the history of enterprise information changes, you can grasp important changes of competitors, such as company name changes, leadership changes, business fields... From there, you can predict the competitor's development strategy and business orientation to devise appropriate competition strategies.
Look up enterprise information at different points in time. The feature to view the history of enterprise information changes helps you quickly and accurately search and retrieve enterprise information at a specific time in the past.
Save time on searches when old and new information changes. When enterprise information changes, the system automatically updates the latest information, while also storing old information so you can easily search and compare.
Track the development process of an enterprise and assess collaboration potential. The feature to view the history of enterprise information changes helps you understand changes in the legal representative, business sectors... allowing you to evaluate the management capacity and development potential of the enterprise, leading to more informed cooperation decisions.
How to view the history of enterprise information changes on DauThau.Net
To view the history of enterprise information changes of any entity, follow these steps:
On the Enterprise Profile Search page, enter your search keywords (red box) (can be the enterprise name, tax code, address, phone number, fax, website. Maximum 10 keywords, separated by commas (,)).
Or if you want more detailed search results, click “Click for advanced search” (blue box) and enter the required information. Then press Search.
Step 3: View the history of enterprise information changes
Click on the enterprise name to go to the Enterprise Profile detail page. Here, click on History of Changes (under Enterprise Profile) or scroll down to the History of Changes section. Then click the View button to see detailed changes (as shown in Figure 4).
Specifically, for Dai Thanh Cong Service Trading Investment Limited Company, the enterprise information has undergone changes:
Enterprise type: Changed from Joint Stock Company to Limited Company.
Profile name: Changed from Dai Thanh Cong Investment Trading Services Joint Stock Company to Dai Thanh Cong Service Trading Investment Limited Company.
Abbreviated name: Changed from Cty CP ĐT TM DV Đại Thành Công to Cty TNHH ĐT TMDV Đại Thành Công.
International name: Changed from Dai Thanh Cong Investment Trading Services Joint Stock Company to Dai Thanh Cong Service Trading Investment Limited Company.
Registered address: Changed from Khu vực VII to Số 160 Ấp Mái Dầm, xã Đại Thành.
Representative's name: Changed from Ngô Văn Nhựt to Lê Thị Trúc Anh.
Thus, with this feature, users can view the history of enterprise information changes directly on the Enterprise Profile detail page. The system will display both old and new information changes for the enterprise, such as:
Name of legal representative
Enterprise type
Profile name
Registered business address
For customers using the X3 software package, there is no charge (points) when viewing the history of enterprise information changes.
For other customers (using other paid software packages or free accounts), points must be purchased to view the history of enterprise information changes. Each view deducts 1 point.
After 7 days, users (without the X3 package) will lose points again when re-viewing the History of Changes.
In conclusion, the history of enterprise information changes is a useful resource to help users gain an objective view of the enterprises they are interested in, allowing them to make wise decisions in their bidding activities.
If you need assistance during your exploration or usage, please contact DauThau.Net through the following channels!